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5 Dysfunction of a Team

How Dysfunctional is your Real Estate Team?

Oct 21, 2024

Uncovering the Five Dysfunctions of a Team:

How to Build a Unified and High-Performing Team

Teams are the backbone of any thriving business but building a unified and high-performing one is not as straightforward as it seems. According to Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, there are five key dysfunctions that, if left unchecked, can hold teams back from achieving their true potential. Let’s explore these dysfunctions and, more importantly, how you as a leader can address them to create an environment where your team can thrive.

  • Absence of Trust
    Is the foundation of any successful team. Without trust, team members are unwilling to be vulnerable, leading to a lack of openness and honesty. When people are afraid to express their thoughts or admit mistakes, real collaboration becomes impossible.

How to Address It: 

    1. Foster Vulnerability-Based Trust: Create an environment where team members feel safe sharing their concerns, struggles, and mistakes without fear of judgment. Lead by example—share your own challenges and mistakes to demonstrate that it’s okay to be human.
    2. Team Profiling and Workshops: Consider using profiling tools like Contribution Compass to help team members understand each other’s strengths and behaviors. This insight can build a deeper level of trust and understanding, allowing them to connect beyond surface-level interactions.


  • Fear of Conflict
    It might seem like a negative, but when handled constructively, it’s a critical component of growth and decision-making. Teams that avoid conflict often end up with surface-level agreements, and deeper issues remain unresolved.

How to Address It:

    1. Encourage Healthy Debate: Build a culture where diverse opinions are valued and encourage open dialogue. Healthy, productive conflict is a sign of trust and engagement. Train your team to focus on issues, not personalities, so they can debate ideas without creating personal rifts.
    2. Implement Clear Communication Strategies: Equip your team with tools and frameworks for effective communication, such as active listening techniques and nonviolent communication practices. These strategies can make discussions feel safer and more productive.


  • Lack of Commitment
    When teams fail to engage in open conflict, they struggle to commit to decisions. A lack of clarity or buy-in from team members results in half-hearted efforts and inconsistent performance.

How to Address It:

    1. Create Clarity and Alignment: After discussions, ensure that everyone is on the same page by summarizing agreements and action points. Ask team members to confirm their understanding and commitment.
    2. Set Clear Objectives: Clarify the team’s goals and outcomes, ensuring every team member understands their role in the bigger picture. When people know the ‘why’ behind their work, commitment follows naturally.


  • Avoidance of Accountability
    Without commitment, holding each other accountable becomes nearly impossible. Teams often avoid difficult conversations, leading to poor performance and unmet expectations. When accountability is missing, standards slip, and resentment can build.

How to Address It:

    1. Establish Clear Roles and Expectations: Define responsibilities and expectations from the outset. When everyone knows what is expected of them and their teammates, it becomes easier to hold each other accountable in a constructive manner.
    2. Regular Check-ins and Feedback: Build a rhythm of regular check-ins where team members review their progress and receive feedback. This practice normalizes accountability and helps individuals see it as an opportunity for growth rather than criticism.


  • Inattention to Results
    When teams fail to hold each other accountable, they lose focus on collective goals, and individual agendas often take precedence. Team members may prioritise personal success or recognition over the success of the entire team.

How to Address It:

    1. Reinforce United Outcomes: Reinforce the importance of the team’s success over individual accomplishments. Recognize and celebrate wins as a team to shift focus from ‘me’ to ‘we’.
    2. Align Personal and Team Goals: Ensure that individual goals align with team objectives. When people see how their work directly impacts the team's success, they become more invested in achieving collective results.


Building a High-Performing Team: Your Role as a Leader

Addressing these dysfunctions requires intentionality and a commitment to building a healthy team culture. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to guide your team through these challenges by fostering trust, encouraging open dialogue, aligning goals, and building a sense of accountability. It’s not easy, but the reward is a inclusive, committed, and high-performing team that drives your business forward.

If you’re ready to elevate your team dynamics and create a culture where people, performance, and profit prevail, consider incorporating profiling tools like Contribution Compass. It’s a powerful way to understand the strengths and motivations of your team members, making it easier to address these dysfunctions effectively.


The journey to building a cohesive team isn’t linear—it’s a process of growth, learning, and consistent effort. By understanding and addressing these five dysfunctions, you set the foundation for a team culture where trust, commitment, accountability, and results become the norm. The result? A high-performing team that supports not just your business goals but the well-being and growth of each individual.



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